Plymouth drivers ignore road closure

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Drivers in Plymouth are taking the risk of getting arrested if they choose to drive on despite the closures throughout Outland Road. They are also putting lives of construction workers at risk. Workmen on the road stated that they are fearful of their safety due to many drivers that are choosing to ignore the rules and continue to drive down the road despite warnings.

Officers are now attempting to get the situation under control by placing heavy fines on those that do attempt to drive on through Outland Road. In addition, they are also threatening to put points on their licenses and to arrest those who do not follow the rules. The warning from both Cornwall and Devon Police was issued on the tenth day of the sewer replacement project that has closed down several parts of the very busy motorway.

South West Water closed down a stretch in order to complete the work and stated that drivers are risking lives when they choose not to pay attention to closure signs. The company stated that workers have even seen some drivers move traffic cones of side roads so that they can get onto Outland Road past the points where it is supposed to be closed.

Road casualty reduction officer PC Ian Baggott stated that they want to stress that all of the closures are for 24 hours outside of allowing access to emergency vehicles and buses.

Baggott added that some of the closures actually have gate men at them but people are not even paying attention to them and thus they are forced to look at additional ways that they can enforce the rules because they are worried someone will end up being hurt or killed as a result of the reckless drivers.
