The majority of drivers are familiar with the frustration that comes with being stuck in traffic – especially when you need to be somewhere. Fortunately, the motoring world appears to share this concern, as evident by the technology that is being designed and launched to try and combat moments of gridlock on the nation’s roads. […]
Category: General
Whilst authorities continue to alter the penalties for driving offences, it seems that even when dangerous drivers could be faced with a harsher punishment, they still continue to break UK road laws. We are no further forward in combatting dangerous driving on UK roads. Highways England recently released its findings that showed over 4,000 drivers […]
More than a third more electric charging points were installed last year in France; more than anywhere else The greatest share of electric vehicles is in Norway with 34.7% In the UK we are third for electric vehicles with regards to infrastructure and adoption of electric vehicles. The electric vehicle is really growing as a […]
If you are looking to rent a car, then you may wonder where the best place is to go. There are many big brands that do car rentals and sometimes dealers rent out cars as well. So there can be a lot of choice. It is worth comparing the prices of the different car rental […]
UK car production achieved a 17-year high in 2016, according to the latest figures published today by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). 1,722,698 vehicles rolled off production lines last year from some 15 manufacturers,1 an 8.5% uplift on total production in 2015 – and the highest output since 1999.2 More cars […]
Car crime has been happening since the first car rolled off the conveyor belt, and that is because crime is as old as history itself; cars just offered up a new target, a nice target too. We pride our cars because they are objects of desire – why else would you have shelled out so […]
Zoom! How You Can Choose the Perfect Business Vehicle for You Choosing the right vehicle for your business is very important. You’ve got to understand that there is a lot involved in the process of choosing a business vehicle. Hopefully, you will find this guide useful in helping you to make the best possible decision […]
Buying a car is a long-term investment that engenders yearly costs about servicing, fuel, insurance, road taxes and MOT. However, you, like many others, cannot live without a car, as it is impossible to work, shop, and stay an integrated part of the society without a mean of transport. But, as you might think that […]
Halfords Autocentres have become the official sponsors of the website and #NationalPotholeDay 2017. The collaboration heralds a breakthrough in offering road users the ability to have the safety of their vehicles checked after hitting a pothole. Potholes are an increasing problem on Britain’s roads, causing damage to vehicles and presenting a potential safety hazard. […]
It probably won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone to say that owning a car can be expensive. In fact, alongside your house, it’s probably going to be one of the most expensive purchases that you ever make. Of course, when people think about the cost of a car they usually only think […]