Police Inspector slams new police vehicles and their lights

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A serving police inspector who has a popular blog site entitled Inspector Gadget has sparked controversy by saying that the new flashing strobe lights on top of police cars are actually causing people to crash as their brightness was disorientating drivers.

The inspector, who has never revealed his name or where he works, refers to his area as Ruralshire on his blog.

He posted the blog last week after a new fleet of police vehicles in ‘Ruralshire’ had had these new lights fitted after his bosses replaced expensive patrol cars with what he described as ‘cheap family cars’. He went on to say that these new cars were brought in by bosses who have failed to speak to the police officers who would be driving them as they were painfully inadequate of acting as efficient police vehicles.

He went onto list the string of inadequacies he says these new cars, and says his own personal favourite were the lights and he had personally borne witness to the havoc they are causing on the roads. He said that the new blue and red strobes on the roofs of police cars were so bright they disorientated drivers trying to pass an accident sight and actually called a second one.

He also claims that a firefighter jumped from his appliance and came running over to the police crew and shouted at them to turn the lights off as they couldn’t see anything ahead. The other faults that he listed included the tiny front passenger seats, which were evidently designed for kids and not a police officer in body armour, and it is impossible to move around if the drunk in the back starts to kick off.

The Inspector also claims that these cars have insufficient battery power to run the warning lights, police radio and Mobile Data Terminal, or MDT, with the engine switched off which it has to be if you don’t want someone to steal it and there are no run licks on the new cars either as these were deemed too expensive. There are also manual windows that can’t be locked so it is easy to wind down a window and escape.

He closed his blog by saying the Ruralshire bosses has pimped their rides by painting a fat POLICE backwards on the bonnets, but all this fancy paintwork is doing is drawing attention to what rubbish cars they are, and that he and a colleague have to get out and push their car up a hill in Ruraltown.


He finishes up by saying they have paid very little and got very little and he was SO glad that the constabulary had saved money as, after all, there’s no more, is there….
